Phone Number 02 9988 0760
fax 02 9988 0450

Clinic Details

"Trouble Shared is Trouble Halved"

Referrals & Medicare Rebates

You do not need a referral from a GP or specialist in order to see a member of the Embracing the Other Half team.

Many clients will be able to claim a rebate using ONE OR MORE of the following procedures:

  1. Private Health Insurance rebate e.g., MBF, Medibank Private.
  2. Medicare rebate by organising a GP Mental Health Care Plan through a GP (click for details)
  3. Medicare rebate by organising a letter of referral from a Paediatrician or a Psychiatrist, under the Federal Government's Autism Initiative (click for details)

For further information contact the Medicare Helpline: 132 150

Initial & Diagnostic Assessments

Initial and diagnostic assessments are approximately 1.5 - 2 hours in duration. They involve interviews with the child, adolescent or adult, and his/her family or partner (if possible). Copies of previous reports from health professionals, teachers or school counsellors should be provided prior to the appointment. A detailed clinical assessment is conducted (including standardised questionnaires) in order to gain a thorough understanding and develop the best treatment plan.

Our skilled psychologists conduct psychometric assessments of cognitive abilities, including learning disabilities, mood challenges and behavioural difficulties including adaptive functioning. We utilise a wide range of psychological tests including:

Intellectual Ability (WPSSI-IV, WAIS-IV, WISC-V, Stanford Binet-5)
Autism Spectrum (CARS-2, ADOS-II (including Toddler Module), ADI-R)
Personality Assessment (MCMI-IV, PAI)
Communication and Social Skills (SCQ, SRS-2)
Anxiety and Depression
Cognitive and Learning Ability (APAK, RAVLT, ROCF, WIAT-III)
Child and Adult ADHD (TEA, TEA-Ch2, Conners 3, Brown ADD Scales)
   - Executive Functioning (BRIEF, NEPSY-II, D-KEFS)
Adaptive Function
Behavioural Assessments

Therapy Sessions

Therapy sessions are generally 50 minutes (or longer if required) and scheduled according to the individual's, couple's or family's needs and goals (e.g. for crisis management or for clients travelling long distances).

Fee Schedule (Click Here)


Payment is due at the time of each session
- Credit card, EFTPOS, cheque or cash accepted


Copyright Embracing the Other Half Psychology Clinic